Mastering The Basics: Elevating Your Audio Engineering Skills with Shelving EQs and Filters

Precision is paramount in the world of audio engineering, where sound is sculpted and shaped into an immersive experience. One of the fundamental tools in an audio engineer's arsenal is the shelving equalizer (EQ) and its close companion, the filter. These powerful tools enable engineers to manipulate audio frequencies with precision and finesse, transforming raw recordings into polished, balanced, and captivating soundscapes. This blog post will explore the inner workings of shelving EQs and filters, unraveling their intricacies and shedding light on why audio engineers rely on them to create stunning audio productions.

Understanding Shelving EQs

 Shelving EQs, also known as high- and low-frequency shelves, are a specific type of equalizer that affect all frequencies above or below a certain threshold. This threshold is often referred to as the "corner frequency" or "cutoff frequency." Audio engineers can effectively boost or reduce the energy in the high or low-frequency range by adjusting the gain or attenuation above or below this threshold. The principle behind shelving EQs lies in their shape, which resembles a shelf-like curve on a frequency response graph. When a boost or cut is applied, all frequencies above or below the shelf's threshold are uniformly affected, resulting in a gentle slope that gradually changes the overall tonal balance of the audio signal.

Shelving EQs offer a range of controls that allow audio engineers to manipulate the frequency response of an audio signal. The specific controls may vary depending on the EQ plugin or hardware unit being used, but here are the common parameters found in shelving EQs:


This control determines the corner frequency or cutoff frequency of the shelving EQ. It sets the point at which the EQ starts affecting the frequency spectrum. Typically expressed in Hertz (Hz), adjusting the frequency control allows you to target specific high or low-frequency ranges for boosting or cutting.


The gain or attenuation control determines the amount of boost or cut applied to the frequencies above or below the corner frequency. Positive gain values increase the energy in the boosted frequency range, while negative values attenuate or reduce the energy in the cut frequency range. The unit of measurement is usually expressed in decibels (dB).

Q Factor (Quality Factor):

The Q factor controls the bandwidth or width of the shelving EQ's slope. It determines how broad or narrow the boosting or cutting effect is around the corner frequency. A higher Q value results in a narrower bandwidth and more focused impact, while a lower Q value widens the bandwidth, affecting a broader range of frequencies.

Filter Type:

Some shelving EQs may offer different filter types for high-shelf and low-shelf EQs. These options allow engineers to choose between different filter designs, each with its own sonic characteristics and response curves. Common filter types include Butterworth, Bessel, and Linkwitz-Riley, among others.

Output Level:

Shelving EQs may include an output level control, which adjusts the overall level of the affected audio signal after the EQ processing. It helps maintain consistent volume levels when applying significant boosts or cuts.

It's worth noting that not all shelving EQs have all of these controls. Some simplified or basic EQ plugins may offer fewer parameters for ease of use, while more advanced EQ plugins or hardware units may provide additional controls for finer control over the audio signal.Shelving EQs find extensive use in audio engineering for a variety of reasons. They can help enhance or attenuate specific frequency ranges, add warmth or brightness to a mix, correct tonal imbalances in recordings, and provide overall clarity and definition to individual tracks or the entire mix.

Types of Shelving EQs

 There are two main types of shelving EQs: high-shelf and low-shelf.


1. High-Shelf EQ:

The high-shelf EQ is used to control frequencies above the corner frequency. It allows audio engineers to adjust the presence and brightness of a sound source. For example, a high-shelf boost can add sparkle to cymbals or bring out the airy quality of vocals, while a high-shelf cut can reduce harshness or tame sibilance. You will also notice that this looks similar to a low pass filter, but the difference between a shelf EQ and a filter is that an EQ can boost frequencies while a filter can only cut frequencies.

 2. Low-Shelf EQ:

Conversely, the low-shelf EQ is used to shape frequencies below the corner frequency. It enables audio engineers to control the warmth and depth of a sound. For instance, a low-shelf boost can enhance the weight and body of a kick drum, while a low-shelf cut can mitigate rumble or unwanted low-frequency noise. Again, this looks similar to a hi-pass filter, but EQs can boost frequencies, and a filter only cuts frequencies.

Filters and Their Applications:

Audio filters, such as high-pass, low-pass, notch, and band-pass filters, have different controls compared to shelving EQs. While the purpose of both filters and shelving EQs is to manipulate the frequency response, the controls available in filters are specifically tailored to their filtering functionalities. Here are the common controls found in audio filters:

Cutoff Frequency:

The cutoff frequency determines the point at which the filter affects the frequency spectrum. For high-pass and low-pass filters, the cutoff frequency sets the boundary between the frequencies that pass through and those that are attenuated. In notch filters, the cutoff frequency represents the frequency at which the deep notch or dip is created. Band-pass filters have two cutoff frequencies defining the range of frequencies allowed to pass through.


The slope or order control determines the rate at which the filter attenuates frequencies beyond the cutoff frequency. It defines the steepness of the filter's roll-off curve. Higher slope or order values result in a steeper roll-off, effectively attenuating frequencies outside the desired range more aggressively. The slope is typically expressed in decibels per octave (dB/oct).

Resonance/Q Factor:

Some filters, particularly notch filters and band-pass filters, offer resonance or Q factor control. The resonance control emphasizes or boosts the frequencies around the cutoff frequency, creating a peak in the filter's response. The Q factor determines the width or bandwidth of this resonance. Higher Q values result in a narrower bandwidth, emphasizing a more specific range of frequencies.

Filter Type:

Filters can have different types based on their design and response characteristics. Common types include Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev, and elliptic filters, each with its own unique characteristics. The filter type can impact the filter's phase response, frequency response, and roll-off characteristics.

Output Level:

Similar to shelving EQs, some filters may include an output level control that adjusts the overall level of the filtered audio signal after the filtering process. This control helps maintain consistent volume levels when significant filtering is applied.

It's important to note that the specific controls available in filters can vary depending on the plugin or hardware unit being used. Some advanced filter plugins may offer additional controls, such as filter resonance shapes or filter morphing capabilities, providing even more flexibility and creative possibilities in shaping the frequency response.

1. High-Pass Filter:

One commonly used filter is the high-pass filter (HPF). It attenuates frequencies below a set cutoff point, allowing only the higher frequencies to pass through. Audio engineers use high-pass filters to eliminate low-frequency rumble, wind noise, and other unwanted artifacts. They are also used to clean up audio tracks by removing low-frequency elements that may clutter the mix or interfere with other instruments.

2. Low-Pass Filter:

On the other end of the spectrum is the low-pass filter (LPF), which attenuates frequencies above a specified cutoff point. LPFs are used to control high-frequency content, reducing sibilance in vocals or taming harshness in cymbals or hi-hats. They can also be employed creatively to impart a warm, vintage character to a sound by gently rolling off the high-end frequencies.

3. Notch Filters

Notch filters, also known as band-stop filters, are designed to attenuate a narrow band of frequencies while allowing the rest of the frequency spectrum to pass through unaffected. They are particularly useful for addressing problematic resonances, hums, or unwanted feedback that may occur at specific frequencies.

The key feature of a notch filter is its ability to create a deep, narrow notch or dip in the frequency response curve. Audio engineers can effectively eliminate or minimize unwanted resonances or hums in recordings by targeting and reducing the energy at a specific frequency. Notch filters are indispensable tools in live sound scenarios, where they help combat feedback issues by surgically attenuating problem frequencies without affecting the overall tonal balance of the audio.

4. Band Pass Filters

In contrast to notch filters, band pass filters allow a specific range of frequencies to pass through while attenuating frequencies outside that range. They consist of high-pass and low-pass filters combined in series to create a narrow band of frequencies.

Audio engineers utilize band pass filters to isolate and emphasize specific frequency ranges within an audio signal. These filters are employed in various applications, such as isolating individual instruments within a mix, creating unique effects, or extracting specific frequency components for further processing. Bandpass filters offer precision in selecting desired frequencies, enabling engineers to sculpt and shape the audio with greater control and finesse.

Why Audio Engineers Use Shelving EQs and Filters:

Audio engineers use shelving EQs and filters for a multitude of reasons. Let's delve deeper into why these tools are essential in their workflow:

1. Tonal Balancing:

Achieving a balanced mix is a primary objective for audio engineers. Shelving EQs allow them to address tonal imbalances within individual tracks or the overall mix. By boosting or attenuating specific frequency ranges, engineers can ensure that each element in the mix occupies its rightful sonic space, resulting in a cohesive and pleasing sound. 

2. Frequency Control:

Shelving EQs provide precise control over the frequency spectrum. Audio engineers can shape the character of instruments or vocals by emphasizing or reducing specific frequency ranges. For example, boosting the low end of a bass guitar can enhance its presence, while cutting the high frequencies of a guitar can create a warmer, more mellow tone. By sculpting frequencies with shelving EQs, engineers can make individual elements stand out or blend seamlessly with the rest of the mix.

3. Corrective Measures:

In the realm of audio production, not every recording is perfect. Shelving EQs are vital in correcting tonal anomalies or imperfections in recordings. For instance, they can help mitigate resonance or boominess in a room recording, reduce excessive sibilance in vocals, or tame harshness in certain instruments. Engineers can restore balance and clarity to imperfect recordings by judiciously applying shelving EQs.

4. Enhancing Musicality:

Shelving EQs allow audio engineers to accentuate or highlight specific sonic characteristics, thereby enhancing the musicality of a mix. For example, boosting the high frequencies on a lead vocal can bring out its presence and add a sense of clarity and intimacy. Similarly, a subtle low-shelf boost on a piano can enhance its warmth and richness. By utilizing shelving EQs creatively, engineers can add depth, dimension, and emotional impact to a musical composition.

5. Clean Mixes:

Filters like high-pass and low-pass filters are invaluable for achieving clean and focused mixes. High-pass filters are excellent tools for removing low-frequency rumble, microphone handling noise, or unwanted vibrations, leaving the mix cleaner and more defined. Low-pass filters, on the other hand, can help reduce harshness and tame excessive high-frequency content. By judiciously applying filters, audio engineers can eliminate unwanted noise and create a more polished and professional-sounding mix. 


Shelving EQs and filters are indispensable tools in the audio engineer's arsenal, offering precise control over the frequency spectrum. From tonal balancing and corrective measures to enhancing musicality and achieving clean mixes, these tools are pivotal in transforming raw recordings into captivating soundscapes. Understanding the inner workings of shelving EQs and filters empowers audio engineers to craft immersive audio experiences that captivate and engage listeners. So, whether you're a seasoned audio engineer or an aspiring producer, embrace the power of shelving EQs and filters, and unlock a world of sonic possibilities.

Dr. Mike Testa

Dr. Mike Testa is an associate professor and coordinator of music technology. He has a BM in Music Performance and Sound Recording Technology from U Mass Lowell, a MM: SRT from U Mass Lowell and Ed.D Education Leadership from U Mass Lowell.


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